Value Added Services

Container Protect Terms Summary

These terms apply to goods transported under Container Protect services.

Key Definitions

Key Definitions

1. Container Protect applies to shipments accepted by the Carrier and compliant with their cargo acceptance policy.

2.  Certain commodities are excluded from coverage, regardless of how they are described in the Transport Document.

Sales on Water Terms

Key Points for Sales on Water Shipments

If the customer misses the deadline, the shipment will proceed as originally booked, with no changes to the destination or storage. Any additional costs due to late notification will be the customer’s responsibility.

If the destination is provided on time, Kampstra will arrange transportation to the final destination, storage (if needed), and issue a new Bill of Lading.

Customers must provide the final destination before the agreed deadline, prior to the vessel arriving at the transit hub.


Eco Delivery Terms

These terms apply to the transportation of goods under the following conditions.


Key Points